Sunday, October 13, 2013

Living It Out-Day 7-Checking for Spiritual Compromise

Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant, something defiled and compromised.  It could be anything from noise pollution to air pollution to water pollution and more.  But today as I read the scripture and pondered how to blog "Living It Out",  I am challenged not by the contamination of the environment but measuring to see if I have any spiritual compromise.

In Malachi 1:6 and 7 the Lord is explaining to the priests in Israel that they have despised or shown contempt for the name of the Lord.  Yes, that's right, it was the priests!  They replied by asking the Lord, "How"?  "How have we shown contempt for your name?"

He told them because you have placed "polluted food, defiled food" on the altar.  The priests were responsible for offerings that had no defect, the offerings were to be without blemish.  They were giving God less than perfect sacrifices.

It's crazy to think we want God to give us HIS best, HIS blessing to us, yet, we offer Him a blemished offering of ourselves.

At least, I know I don't always give Him the best of me. 

You might ask how?  By not putting Him first, by not placing my all on the altar.  Do I want Him more than anything in this world?  Do I desire to know Him above all else?

Romans 12:1  from the message Bible says it best:

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you:  Take your everyday, ordinary life-your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life-and place it before God as an offering."

Living It Out:  Let us ask the Lord to check for Spiritual Compromise within our lives or any area of a blemished sacrifice.  And then, place our lives daily before Him as an offering, even in the everyday, ordinary life.